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Women's Party Dress Casual Dress Swing Dress Midi Dress Gold Sleeveless Floral Embroidered Spri
  • Date2023-01-31 - 2023-02-28
  • host city
  • Host addressNo. 99, Xingyi Road, Changning District, Shanghai
  • Exhibition hallShanghai Pavilion
  • organizerShanghai Exhibition Hall


contact:Mr. zhou



contact unit:Shanghai Exhibition Hall


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Exhibition information
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Women's Party Dress Casual Dress Swing Dress Midi Dress Gold Sleeveless Floral Embroidered Spri

Exhibition time: 2023-01-31 - 2023-02-28

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Women's Party Dress Casual Dress Swing Dress Midi Dress Gold Sleeveless Floral Embroidered Spri

Exhibition time: 2023-01-31 - 2023-02-28